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Best Practices Consulting

Code Audit

I recommend starting with a code audit to discover which best practices would be most beneficial to you. We will look at the code and issue tracker, as well as discuss your objectives.

Code audits are also invaluable when acquiring a company. Having a good understanding of the state of the code will guide your decision as to the acquisition and its price. It will also inform your hiring, depending on what gaps need to be filled, and will provide you with a roadmap to increase the quality of your code. Higher code quality will enable you to ship new features more quickly.

Pair Programming and Code Reviews

I can introduce best practices to your code, but the best way is to introduce them to your team, so that they may be able to maintain great code quality in the future.

When pair programming, your developers will not only improve the code, but will learn many useful concepts along the way. In my experience, this provides a lot more value than group workshops. You can teach a couple of developers, then they can teach the others. This works best with developers who have good mentoring skills.

Code reviews are less involved and all team members can benefit immediately. They will get the most value if the reviews are done on the phone as opposed to text comments. If timezones don't allow for phone calls, text comments are still useful.

I provide both services with a retainer fee.