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AIR Prerelease Tour

February 8th, 2008

I attended a presentation on Flex and AIR yesterday. Mike Potter was unable to come and was replaced by LordAlex Leon. The presentation began with a long description of Adobe applications and their integration, but an hour later finally reached AIR. The part about AIR was quite short and did not teach me anything new.

For those of you who don't know, AIR is coming out soon. It stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime (or RIA backwards). It allows you to run Flash/Flex apps on the desktop, read and write local files, query SQLite databases… all this cross-platform.

I did learn something interesting from one of the slides though. BlazeDS has just been released under an LGPL licence. This technology allows real-time data pushing. For me, it means developing multiplayer games!

Previous: Sending headers Next: AS3 data binding and component states